Well, I have reached the end of an era. I have finally culled my stable of everything Ellsworth. On a recent trip to SLC for a tradeshow, I brought my beloved Sub22 to Park City for some singletrack fun before the show began. I had a great time on the bike and it is totally suited for the smooth singletrack of Central Utah. Unfortunately the bike did not survive the trip home as expected. Upon the reassembly straight out of the IronCase I used to travel the bike aboard a Southwest Airlines flight to and from SLC. I noticed a 2" crack in the headtube along the downtube weld. A fatal crack for this flyweight Easton tubed hardtail.
SWA's response was basically "oh well"... Geesh. I paid an extra $100.00 to bring my bike with me on the trip and SWA turned my bike into wall art. If you ever find yourself contemplating a trip with a bike on an airliner mark the case with "Survey Equipment" and hope for the best.
A couple phone calls to friends that I know in the industry turned up this new beauty. It's creator calls it the "frankenbike". I have always been fond of that particular style of rig. I have never been known to ride anything 'stock' and my friend (whom wishes to remain anonymous) hooked me up hard. I can't give out the specifics, because I would go against my word of keeping this under the radar, but I do have to say that it's good to keep the karma bank fully deposited and to always cherish your friendships. Because in life, that's all you really have.
Thank you to everyone who helped bring this bike to fruition. You know who.... get the tile saw ready. I'll be there soon to finish what I started. See ya'll on the trail.