A soul mate, a past partner in life, a partner in crime south of the border... 50 miles of extreme washboard, oh yeah some good wine and tasty food; plus a natrural spring hot tub, some sunshine, some new friends selling dirt (healing pre-historic volcanic ash?) and survivng.. in mexico!... no phones, little security and wasps nest in our kitchen... mexican highways, border breaches and long lines returning to familiar lands...
It's definitley the simple things that bring the most pleasure...! I'll take this any day over the rat race, keepin up with the jones' trying to impress friends who don't understand the desire to leave the easy chair. Life IS good. Bless each and everyone of you that gets the real message, the recipe for living a real life. Getting out there, getting lost and finding yourself all on the same trip. I hope that you all are well and finding happiness in this journey we (pigeon-hole) call life. May the life-force be with you... Buenos dias muchachos, Good day I say. =)