My buddy George owner of Bike29 and Five Hills Bike Shop in Waterbury Vermont is sponsoring a unique event this coming weekend. It should be a great time for anyone who is able to attend. This is a great time of year to be in New England as I hear the trees are starting to turn and the temps are more reasonable than the rest of the country is currently experiencing. The details are listed below.
Less than a week to go now for the big Meat-up. I have received several phone calls about the event, and have heard from several people who are attending. Plus have had rumors of the large "local" contingent of 29er sporting bike mechanics from other area shops.
Cool. I will be so pleased if we have a good turn out, as I have received several cool prizes to raffle off from Niner bikes and Twin 6, plus I'll be throwing a few things into the mix as well. Things are starting to get really crazy with last minute detail type stuff. I think it is going to be a ton of fun. Banners are being made. T-shirts are bring made. Beer is even being made. How about that?
Hopefully, the weather gods will smile on us again this year, as they have every year we make our anual pilgrimage to Burke. Classic early fall riding, cool days, chilly nights, beautiful vistas, threaded together with buff singletrack and good friends. The leaves have already started to turn here, so maybe we'll get some of that famous color too.
More to come, along with an update to the Meat-up site.