Many competitors are slowly begining to become like Starbucks; by offering gourmet coffee. McDonald's wants IN! The company released little details to the press, but they want everyone to make sure that its no Starbucks. I think its a great move for McDonald's, being that they already have a strong reputation within the food industry. Competing with Starbucks may hurt them a little...but if they offer coffee at a more affordable price, people may realize that $4 moca mocas aren't cool anymore. McDonald's currently has a testing spot in Rochester, NY, titled, by no surprise, "McCafe". Catchy name... it'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Others like Dunkin' Donuts are attempting to jump into the Gourmet Latte bathtub, which is complete with Starbucks, Dunkin', all of those little guys like Seattle's Best and now the McCafe.
Courtesy of Damanick @ http://streetblabber.blogspot.com/