
Spring has finally arrived...

Southern California is a funny place. It seems to be the catch-all location for all of America's residents whom can't stand long winters anymore. The flip side to a normal winter is a never ending summer. The weather here is the absolute opposite of the rest of the nation. It sounds like a perfect dream... And to some I'm sure it is.

This year Summer pushed into December, with temperatures at or around the 80 degree mark through the holidays. It's hard to explain to anyone who lives elsewhere that 300 days of sunshine can become depressing. The first site of clouds and my depression lifts. It can cause a surreal effect on the mind body and soul, throwing off all of your natural instincts.

Winter finally reared it's ugly head (as most residents here would say) at the beginning of March and we finally recieved a little rain. 30 days of weather and Spring is now here, literally and figuratively. I often wonder if our seasons here in the southwest have shifted a 180 degrees of normal or if my senses are out of tune at this latitude? Spring is a welcome season, even in my own psyche. Summer... you can have it. It definitely lasts way too long to feel normal.

I know most of you are thinking that I should be in therapy for feeling this way, but a lifetime of too much sun can warp your sense of reality.